Apps para traballar procesos cognitivos básicos.
Ola a todos e todas! Nestes posts compartirei todas as apps que utilizo para traballar co alumnado dende a miña tablet.
- Están descargadas nun sistema iOS pero podedes buscar se as hai para Android.
- Todas as apps son gratuitas, polo menos na súa demo, e logo danos a opción de, se queremos, mercala para ter completa.
- Intentarei clasificalas igual que as teño nas miñas carpetas.
Procesos Cognitivos Basícos (PCB): Memoria, razoamento, percepción e atención:
- Matching game 1. Hug and Dug.
- Matching game 2. Hug and Dug.
- Match it up 1. My first app.
- Match it up 2. My first app.
- Match it up 3. My first app.
- Maze game 1. My fisrt app.
- Maze game 2. My first app.
- Maze game 3. My first app.
- Easy mazes for kids. Tiny hands..
- Series 1. My first app.
- Series 2. My first app.
- Series 3. My first app.
- Build it up. My first app.
- Complete the series 1. My first app.
- Complete the series 2. My first app.
- Complete the series 3. My first app.
- Matrix game 1. My first app.
- Matrix game 2. My first app.
- Matrix game 3. My first app.
- Memo-Game. My first app.
- Activity Repita-la-Combinación. Happy touch.
- Find it. Tiny hands. Playtoddlers.
- Find-it. My first app.
- WhizzyKids.
- Diferencias. Eral apps.
- Differences. My first app.
- Racoon Treehouse. Tiny hands.
- Towers 1. Tiny hands
- Towers 2. Tiny hands.
- What’s my pair 2. Tiny hands.
- Fairy tails domino. Tiny hands.
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