Ola a todos e todas! Nestes posts compartirei todas as apps que utilizo para traballar co alumnado dende a miña tablet. Están descargadas nun sistema iOS pero podedes buscar se as hai para Android. Todas as apps son gratuitas, polo menos na súa demo, e logo danos a opción de, se queremos, mercala para ter completa. Intentarei clasificalas igual que as teño nas miñas carpetas. Procesos Cognitivos Basícos (PCB): Memoria, razoamento, percepción e atención: Matching game 1. Hug and Dug. Matching game 2. Hug and Dug. Match it up 1. My first app. Match it up 2. My first app. Match it up 3. My first app. Maze game 1. My fisrt app. Maze game 2. My first app. Maze game 3. My first app. Easy mazes for kids. Tiny hands.. Series 1. My first app. Series 2. My first app. Series 3. My first app. Build it up. My first app. Complete the series 1. My first app. Complete the serie...